Forest Larger Parish Presbyterian Church

We are always excited to receive new members into our midst. If you have been attending worship at one of our locations regularly and are ready to explore membership, you will be invited to attend two to three classes designed for potential new members. During the class, you will be able to explore what your faith means to you, how the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) system of government works, how Forest Larger Parish functions as one church operating out of three locations, and a discussion of any other information that could be pertinent to you. You are not committed to joining our congregation by attending these classes, but will be asked if you are ready to make a commitment to join our congregation at the end of the classes.
You may enter into membership in one of three ways:
By Profession of Faith - meaning you have never been a member of any church and are now ready to declare your faith in Jesus Christ. If you have not been baptized, you will receive baptism into Christ’s church, following your profession of faith on the day you are received by the congregation.
Reaffirmation of Faith – meaning you have declared your faith in Jesus Christ by joining a church, but your membership has lapsed and you want to “reaffirm” your faith as you join this church.
Letter of Transfer – meaning you are currently a member of another Christian church and would like to transfer your membership to FLPPC. A letter requesting your membership transfer would be sent by our Clerk of Session.
The Session (governing body of elders) of the congregation you are joining will meet with you following the completion of the classes, get to know you and offer to answer any additional questions you may have. The Session will then vote to receive you as a member. On a designated Sunday chosen by you and the pastor, you will then be introduced to the congregation and welcomed into the life of the church.